This page provides a general overview of the sequence of operations in handling requests, where RSF is applied to HTTP. It is somewhat technical and detailed, and probably not terribly helpful to someone starting out with RSF, who would be better of looking at some of the written-up samples which appear below "Getting Started" in the left menu.

Since RSF imposes strict HTTP semantics (idempotency of GETs, and non-idempotency of POSTs) and also responds to each POST request with a client redirect, the sequence of handling POSTs and GETs is quite different, although they cooperate to maintain a coherent abstraction to the application developer. In fact, the application developer should not be overly concerned with this sequence, since if RSF is being used in accordance with its design goals, application code will have no dependence on HttpServlet* and should not be specifically aware of the request process. However, an application always has the option to interpose itself in the handling process by, for example, registering an HttpServletRequestAware request-scope bean.

This description is placed here mainly for users who are curious as to how RSF works, or are considering an integration strategy with some form of alien technology. 

Note that blue boxes represent RSF-implemented components, while pink boxes represent components defined by the application, generally implementing an RSF interface (except for the request bean model) and registered as a [Spring-deployed bean|SpringAPI]. For some applications, some of these components may have null implementations, or in other scenarios may be harboring an entire other framework, for example an ActionResultInterpreter may be implemented using Spring Web Flow or [RIFE Continuations].

!!POST handling

[{Image src='HandlerSequence/rsf-flow3-1024.png' align='center'}]

Here is a representation of the sequence shown in the above diagram flattened into a list, with some anntations

* User clicks a 'button' on their webpage, submitting a Form
* POST HttpServletRequest arrives at J2EE webapp
* Decode Request Parameters
** Recover application defined [ViewParameters] object
** Unpack accumulated parameters from button-name (using HTMLRenderSystem)
* Apply Request Values - BEGIN AlterationWrapper here
** Recover any initial population for [RequestSubmittedValueCache] from [TokenStateHolder] using [ViewToken] in ViewParameters.
** Populate [RequestSubmittedValueCache] from parameter pairs for this request: (key, new-value) + (key-fossil, ELold-value)
** Play RSVC into [request writeable bean model|RequestWriteableBeans]
* Invoke [Action] (if any), returning String result (if any) - application defined
* END AlterationWrapper here
* Call [ActionResultInterpreter] with result of Action, computing ViewParameters for new view- application defined "web flow"
* Store accumulated RSVC under NEW token at ARI request, or destroy ALL RSVC for this MultiRequest if ARI signals complete.
* Store any errors accumulated under new token.
* Send HTTP Redirect back to browser using View Parameters generated from ActionResultInterpreter

!!GET handling
[{Image src='HandlerSequence/rsf-flow-get-1024.png' align='center'}]

* Invoked since either:
** User clicks a link
** User (has clicked) a 'button' submitting a Form - as a result of the POST handler (above), the browser is redirected to GET from a new URL
* Decode [ViewParameters]
* Locate [ViewTemplate] files using [viewID] - application defined, although standard implementation supplied
* Locate [ViewComponentProducer|ComponentProducer] and additional [ComponentProducer]s using [viewID] - application defined producers.
* Generate component tree:
** Invoke ComponentProducers to populate [View], with knowledge of [ComponentChecker].
* Fixup component tree:
** Recover any error state from [TokenStateHolder] and apply error fixups to tree
** Replay RSVC: Recover any [RSVC|RequestSubmittedValueCache] state from [TokenStateHolder] and apply to request beans (optional)
** Apply value binding [fixups|Fixup] to tree, if requested by producer.
* Call [IKAT] renderer with (Component Tree, View Template) to produce FUSED HTML result
* HTML sent back to browser
* User sees result

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