The [FormInput] -element allows you to create different kinds of basic HTML form elements: text, password, button, etc.


* __type__ : The type of the input field.  It can be any of the basic HTML types: "text", "password", "button" or "submit". This is mandatory.
* __name__ : A name for the input field.  This is optional, but very good to set, if you want your value to be visible in submission...
* __value__ : A preset value for the field.  You can also set them via the [FormSet] -plugin.
* __size__ : The size of the input field.


[{FormOpen form='helloform'}]
Hello, [{FormInput type='text' name='hellotext'}]
[{FormInput type='submit' value='Submit, please' name='submit'}]

Would appear like this:

[{FormOpen form='helloform'}]
Hello, [{FormInput type='text' name='hellotext'}]
[{FormInput type='submit' value='Submit, please' name='submit'}]


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