[MessageLocator|https://saffron.caret.cam.ac.uk/svn/projects/PonderUtilCore/trunk/src/uk/org/ponder/messageutil/MessageLocator.java] is a core RSF abstract class that is very similar in functionality to Spring's [MessageSource|http://www.springframework.org/docs/api/org/springframework/context/MessageSource.html] (since it uses the Spring MessageSource), only it features a great many more different signatures supporting a greater flexibility of lookup, as well as having the dependence in the API on the required JDK Locale factored off into a request-scope dependency. The usage and general context of MessageLocator is described on the [I18N] page.

The most commonly used member of MessageLocator tends to be the plain 
  public String getMessage(String code)
method, which takes a message key and resolves it in a {{.properties}} file to a localized message.

The default implementation [PonderUtilCore|Structure]'s MessageLocator is in fact a wrapper for a Spring MessageSource. The standard Spring definition in RSF's {{[blank-applicationContext.xml|SpringAPI]}} is 
  <bean id="messageLocator"
    <property name="messageSource" ref="messageSource" />
where {{messageSource}} is 
  <bean id="messageSource"
    <property name="basename" value="WEB-INF/messages/messages" />
    <property name="cacheSeconds" value="10" />
The idea is that users may override the definition of {{messageSource}} to refer to the primary Spring resolver of their taste, and then continue to access it through RSF's standard {{messageLocator}}.

Since RSF 0.7.1, the use of MessageLocator in user code directly is much less necessary, with the widespread updates to [UIMessage] and the primitive components.