The RSF Ajax JSON sample, which is held in SVN at [I-RSFAjaxJSON|] is the standard framework sample app which demonstrates returning plain JSON responses for use with AJAX, using the [DataViews] feature which is new in the 0.7.3 RSF release. It also demonstrates the use of client-side rendering of RSF templates and component trees (occuring in pure Javascript), using the [RSF/Fluid client-side renderer|] which is documented as part of the [Fluid|] website.

It demonstrates a table of {{SalesItem}} objects, which are encoded automatically into JSON by the [DataView|DataViews], rendered into an inline-editable table on the client-side from a pure HTML [IKAT] template. Changes made to the table by inline editing are automatically committed back to the client-side model by the RSF client-side data binding framework, and then posted back into the [DataInputHandler|DataViews] where they are automatically decoded back into Java objects and committed back into the service. This sample is inspired by the [DWR] sample based on the same back-end, but is considerably more conceptually economical since no autogenerated Javascript is required on the client, nor special view declarations on the server - as well as showing the exact same template syntax being renderable both on the client and server alike, giving an unprecedented flexibility in strategy.