The SpamFilter is a JSPWiki filter that can be used to block questionable edits.
- wordlist
- The name of the WikiPage on which the word list resides. Default is "SpamFilterWordList".
- errorpage
- The name of the page to which the user is redirected, if the edit contains a matched word. On that page, the variable [{$msg}] is available, telling the reason.
- pagechangesinminute
- How many page changes are allowed per minute before the IP address is put on a temporary ban list. Default is 5 changes/minute.
- bantime
- The length of the ban time. Default is "60" for 60 minutes.
The word list#
The SpamFilter looks at the WikiVariable called 'spamwords' on the wordlist page. This must contain a space-separated list of words not allowed in a page. In fact, each word is a full Perl5 regular expression, so you can do pretty complex matches as well.
Of course, it is a good idea to allow only trusted users to edit the wordlist page. Otherwise a spammer can remove the list...
Put the following in your filters.xml file (See PageFilter Configuration for more information):
<filter> <class>com.ecyrd.jspwiki.filters.SpamFilter</class> </filter>
to start the filter. Create a page called "SpamFilterWordList" and put the following on it:
[{SET spamwords='viagra money'}]to prevent anyone from saving a page that contains either the word "viagra" or "money". In a bit more complicated example:
[{SET spamwords='[vV][iI][aA][gG][rR][aA]'}]would block the words "viagra", "Viagra", "viAGra" and so on.
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This page (revision-) was last changed on 19-Jul-2006 09:36 by UnknownAuthor