Each RSF sample app uses a standard Maven build process, which should build and deploy it to a local Tomcat. This varies depending on whether you are using maven1 or maven2. Most projects should have a readme.txt file which explains how to build them. For the ones that do not, you can use the following instructions.
Maven 2#
From within the main directory of the project (should have the pom.xml file) run mvn install cargo:deploy. This should build the project and deploy it to your tomcat webapps folder.
Make sure you have a settings.xml file in $YOUR_USER_HOME/.m2 directory, here is a sample one
Set the <appserver.home>c:\opt\tomcat</appserver.home> to point to your $TOMCAT_HOME directory.
Build this project and deploy it in tomcat by running the following from this directory (the one with the readme):
mvn install rsf:deploy
More information on the Maven 2 Setup page.
Maven 1#
Adjust the configuration in the Maven 1 project.properties file, which by default looks like this:
maven.tomcat.home=E:/flowtalk-jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/ maven.repo.remote=http://mirrors.dotsrc.org/maven,http://www2.caret.cam.ac.uk/maven
The only critical change is to edit maven.tomcat.home to be the path to your tomcat home.
Build this project and deploy it in tomcat by running the following from the main directory of the project (should have the project.xml and project.properties files) (the one with the readme):
maven deploy