%%(background-color:#FFCCCC;padding:0em 1em;margin:0px;)
!!Cocoon/RSF Integration - WARNING: NOT maintained

[[ __Browse all RSF [Integrations]__ ]

Integration of [Cocoon|http://cocoon.apache.org] and RSF has so far only been attempted in pilot form and is not currently maintained or supported due to lack of developer resources - feel free to volunteer! The integration library code is available in [SVN|https://saffron.caret.cam.ac.uk/svn/projects/CocoonRSF/], but it has not been thoroughly tested - use at your own risk. It was originally intended to support RSF 0.6.3 and Cocoon 2.1.7.

The integration support is provided by a Cocoon serializer, [IKAT Serializer] which invokes the RSF renderer, IKAT.

Below is some __provisional documentation__.



__External - required by RSF Core__
* spring-1.2.6.jar
* concurrent-1.3.4.jar
* cglib-nodep-2.1_3.jar
* aopalliance-1.0.jar
* xpp3-

__RSF Core__
* j-servletutil-1.1.3.jar
* ponderutilcore-1.1.3jar
* rsfutil-0.6.3.jar

__Cocoon / RSF Integration library__
* cocoonrsf-0.6.3-cocoon_2.1.7.jar



{{web.xml additions:}}
  <!-- Context Configuration ========================================== -->

  <!-- Configure standard Spring application contexts. Be sure to mention
    rsf config files first, so any overrides may be processed. The first two
    config files are loaded from inside the rsfutil.jar  -->
  <!-- Configure "resource scope" Spring application contexts (RSAC).
     Be sure to mention rsf config files first, so any overrides may be
    processed -->

  <!-- ===== Listeners ====== -->

  The listener used to load the parent application context (the spring beans).

{{sitemap.xmap additions:}}
    <map:serializer logger="sitemap.serializer.xml" mime-type="text/html" name="ikat"

{{WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml}} - new file, referenced by {{web.xml}} above
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd">

  <bean id="staticBaseURLProvider" class="uk.org.ponder.rsf.viewstate.StaticBaseURLProvider">
    <!-- CONFIG The URL under which RSF-rendered pages served directly 
      will be made visible -->
    <property name="baseURL">
    <!-- CONFIG The URL under which static resources will be made visible -->
    <property name="resourceBaseURL">


Integration support is via an [IKAT Serializer] - see [IKAT Serializer] page for usage notes.