UISelect is an RSF [primitive component|PrimitiveComponent] that represents the function of a user selection from a palette of alternatives. The schematic definition for UISelect is as follows:

public class UISelect extends UIComponent implements FixableComponent {
 /** A component representing the options which the user has to choose from **/
  public UIBoundList optionlist;

  /** A component representing the rendered labels for the list control */
  public UIBoundList optionnames;

  /** The input component representing the actual selected value. Expected to be
   *  either UIInput or UIInputMany.
  public UIBound selection;

Depending on the type of the member {{selection}}, UISelect may represent either a single or multiple selection control. UISelect may be rendered in HTML by either an HTML {{<select>}} tag or else by a selection of {{<input type="checkbox">}} - see the [footnote|PrimitiveComponents#2] on primitive components and also the page on [parachute rendering|ParachuteRendering] for more details. 

As well as the standard {{make}} "constructors", UISelect features other signatures named {{makeMultiple}} for creating multiple selection controls, as well as a switch {{setMessageKeys()}} for enabling message key lookup mode (see [I18N]).