Creates a weblog from the page.

JSPWiki creates a weblog by creating a new [WikiPage] for each ''entry''.  These pages are then aggregated together by the WeblogPlugin.  For example, if you want to create a weblog called MyBlog, all of the weblog pages would then be called "MyBlog_blogentry_DDMMYY_X", where DDMMYY refers to the creation date, and X is the entry number from that day.

Comments would be created similarly, but the pages are named "MyBlog_comments_DDMMYY_X" for each blog entry, respectively.

* __page__=''page name'' : Use this page to collect the entries from.  The default is to use the current page.
* __days__=''n'' : Show this many days.
* __startDate__=''date'' : Start from this day.
* __maxEntries__=''n'' : Regardless of how many days are being requested, show only this many entries.
* __allowComments__=''(true|false)'' : Should comments be allowed on entries?  Disabling this on-the-fly does not delete previous comments, it just prevents the link to the comment page to be shown.

[{WeblogPlugin days=14}]

Shows blog posts for the past 14 days in a chronological order.

!My travelogue from July 2004

[{WeblogPlugin startDate='300604' days='30' allowComments=false}]

Use something like the above to include all entries from July 2004 into a single page.  This example also prevents people from commenting on them.

!See also

[WeblogEntryPlugin], [WeblogArchivePlugin]. [CalendarTag].


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