%%(background-color:#FFCCCC;padding:0em 1em;margin:0px;)
!!IKAT Serializer for Cocoon - WARNING: NOT maintained

The IKAT Serializer is a Cocoon serializer that allows an RSF [Component Tree], expressed in XML form, to be rendered to XHTML using the [IKAT] rendering engine.

See [Cocoon/RSF integration|CocoonRSFIntegration] for more information about configuring your Cocoon webapp to use this.


!Provisional Documentation

Put the .html templates in directory mapped to path defined in applicationContext.xml, as in the following stanza:

 <bean id="viewtemplateresolver"
    <property name="baseDirectory">

Example {{sitemap.xmap}} excerpt...
        <map:serialize type="ikat">
          <map:parameter name="isDebugMode" value="{request-param:ikat_debug}"/>
          <map:parameter name="pathInfo" value="/{request-param:ikat_view}"/>

* pathInfo: this is used to derive the viewID from which your template (.html) file is selected. Templates are located relative to the base directory mapped in your [TemplateResolver].
* isDebugMode: true/false - currently turning debug mode on logs the byte stream received by the Serializer from Cocoon before passing it to IKAT

Example XML [Component Tree] to be fed to the Serializer... this XML could have been generated by any means that Cocoon already provides - generators, transformers etc...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <component id="numberOfResults" type="output">
  <component id="item:" type="branchcontainer">
    <component id="id" type="output">
    <component id="titledata" type="output">
      <value>Dissemination Proposal</value>
    <component id="titlelink" type="link">
        <value>Dissemination Proposal</value>
    <component id="projectlink" type="link">
        <value>Gethsemane Project</value>
    <component id="datedata" type="output">
    <component id="langdata" type="output">
    <component id="descdata" type="output">
      <value>This is Bob Zebedee's report to the funders of the project reporting
             on the progress made in writing up the report and proposing a
             dissemination strategy</value>
    <component id="authors:" type="branchcontainer">
      <component id="author:" type="output">
        <value>Z, Bob</value>
    <component id="datastreamdata:" type="branchcontainer">
      <component id="link:" type="link">
          <value>Dublin Core Metadata</value>
      <component id="link:" type="link">
          <value>PDF Document</value>
    <component id="reldata:" type="branchcontainer"/>
