Includes its body, if the user check validates.



<wiki:UserCheck status="unknown|known|named|validated|unvalidated">
   JSP or HTML content


;__status__: Is used to determine if the user has logged in or what.  See below.

The possible values of "status" are:

* "unknown"     - the body of the tag is included 
                  if the user is completely unknown (no cookie, no password)
* "known"       - the body of the tag is included 
                  if the user is not unknown (i.e has a cookie, 
                  or has been authenticated.
* "named"       - the body of the tag is included 
                  if the user has either been named by a cookie, but
                  not been authenticated.
* "validated"   - the body of the tag is included 
                  if the user is validated either through the container,
                  or by our own authentication.
* "unvalidated" - the body of the tag is included 
                  if the user is not validated (i.e. he could have a cookie,
                  but has not been authenticated.)

In 2.0 there was an attribute called "exists".  This is now deprecated, but it is still recognized.  See below.

    <wiki:UserCheck status="known">
        G'day,<wiki:UserName />

    <wiki:UserCheck status="unknown">
        Set your name in <wiki:LinkTo page="UserPreferences">UserPreferences</wiki:LinkTo>

Displays a greeting, if the user has either set a cookie or logged in; else displays a link to the page UserPreferences.


The behavior of this tag was significantly enhanced in 2.2.  The old tag had the parameter "exists", which corresponds to the status parameter as follows:

<wiki:UserCheck exists="true">
Replace with
<wiki:UserCheck status="known">

<wiki:UserCheck exists="false">
Replace with
<wiki:UserCheck status="unknown">