The "RenderSystem" interface in RSF allows customization of the mapping between RSF [components|Component] and the target XML dialect, performed during the [IKAT] rendering process. The "business methods" of RenderSystem (sans comments) are as follows:

public interface RenderSystem {
  public int renderComponent(UIComponent torender, XMLLump[] lumps, 
    int lumpindex, PrintOutputStream pos);
  public void normalizeRequestMap(Map requestparams);

The RenderSystem will only be invoked by IKAT on [leaf components|Component] that are expected to peer with a tag discovered in the template, or else with no component, specifying that this tag is expected to be the target of a [static rewrite|StaticComponentRenderer] rule. 

Other responsibilities of the RenderSystem are ["normalization"|RequestMapNormalization] of the request map, and returning an XML/HTML declaration suitable to be sent to the target environment (read - browsers) without causing them to barf. This may differ from the template declaration, since the template may have to satisfy a higher decree of XML-compliance to satisfy the editing and processing tools used on it.

The only implementation currently provided with IKAT is the Basic HTML RenderSystem.