ShortURLConstructor replaces all wiki pages with a reference to the /wiki/ -URL, with a special parameter which tells which action is to be taken.  For example, {{{/Edit.jsp?page=WikiPage}}} gets replaced with {{{/wiki/WikiPage?do=Edit}}}.

ShortURLConstructor will attempt to guess your wiki location from your {{jspwiki.baseURL}} -setting, but if it gets it wrong, you can use the {{jspwiki.shortURLConstructor.prefix}} -setting to point at a different location.

For example, if you changed the path mapping for the WikiServlet in web.xml to /mywiki/* you might do the following:

jspwiki.baseURL =
jspwiki.urlConstructor = ShortURLConstructor
jspwiki.shortURLConstructor.prefix = /mywiki/

All relative URLs would look like "/mywiki/Foobar" and all absolute URLs would look like "".


You should be understand that users can bypass any restrictions in {{web.xml}} if you're using this URLConstructor.  All access to the wiki is controlled through the /wiki/ -servlet.  If you want to limit user access to certain functionalities, you should use the [ShortViewURLConstructor].


If you get a 404 error when you're using this, check that your {{web.xml}} contains the following lines:




Back to [URLConstructors].