Before we discovered [Wicket], Tapestry was the framework "out there" that had the highest ratio of framework quality to community acceptance (on some naturally notional subjective scale :)

The idea to have pure HTML templating at all surely originated there, and from there was (indirectly) transmitted to RSF through JSF's [Hans Bergsten|], whose article ["Improve JSF by dumping JSPs"|] and corresponding Chapter 15 in the [Java Server Faces book|] was the ultimate ancestor of what become RSF[1].

Many frameworks have followed where Tapestry led, but all (save Wicket) have fallen victim to the central problem of mixing presentation with logic - despite parsing (with varying degrees of fudges) as "pure", these template files all contain references which resolve directly into the application's data model.

[[MORE TO FOLLOW - copy from WhyRSF]
[#1] A Hans Bergsten memorial comment is preserved at the head of [ComponentProducer] where it ended up by an extremely circuitous route in the refactoring that led from the JSFUtil "ClassViewHandler" that evolved from Bergsten's ancestral implementation.